All Initiatives
In addition to creating and renovating learning spaces, we carry out various campus-wide initiatives to improve teaching and learning at UBC. These projects are prompted by UBC initiatives as well as priorities set by the Learning Spaces team. They range from expanding the technological capabilities of learning spaces to improving accessibility. Take a look at some recent initiatives.
Active Learning Classrooms
Many new buildings on campus include Active Learning Classrooms, and most renovation projects incorporate Active Learning room features. These new learning spaces support teaching that encourages student interaction, group work, application and critical thinking.
Media Capture
Through the deployment of media capture recorders in spaces throughout campus, the Learning Spaces Team and UBC IT Audio Visual are supporting the University's goal to provide flexible and diverse educational practices at UBC. Media Capture devices provide the ability to record and stream content right from the classroom.
Cyclical Maintenance
The Learning Spaces Team manages a cyclical maintenance plan to ensure classrooms are functioning for all users of the space. Maintenance operations are carried out throughout the year.
Analog to Digital Upgrade
As the world is becoming increasingly digital, many devices have had their analog (VGA) ports replaced by newer technologies. UBC IT Audio Visual has completed an 8-year program to modernize UBC Vancouver's general use classrooms by upgrading all the existing AV systems to accommodate connections of digital devices.
Common Look and Feel – Audio Visual
Until a few years ago, there have been a multitude of AV designers, integrators, and programmers doing upgrades to AV systems across UBC’s Vancouver campus. To resolve these issues, the UBC Learning Spaces Team tasked UBC IT Audio Visual with streamlining the design and the functionality of the AV systems in classrooms across the UBC Vancouver campus.
Accessibility Improvement Program
Each year the Learning Space Team prioritizes funding to improve accessibility in classrooms and to make continual enhancements for all users.